Training catalogue
Courses for Airlines
3 days
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Training techniques for airline trainers

In this course Amadeus trainers will equip you with the right techniques to deliver efficient and engaging functional training by using hands-on practice activities and real-time delivery exercises.

In this course you will learn how to:

  • Share the Amadeus Trainer’s Values.
  • Find your inner trainer.
  • Take care of your participants.
  • Create effective training materials.
What topics are covered?

 This course covers the following topics:

  • Becoming your company's ambassador.
  • Examining the techniques of a trainer.
  • Dealing with challenging situations and behaviours (classroom and virtual).
  • Designing an efficient evaluation system.
  • Giving and receiving feedback.
  • Analysing adults’ methods of learning.
  • Identifying the profiles of different participants.
  • Preparing your training delivery.
  • Creating and maintaining effective tutor guide and exercise books.
  • Identifying the types of engaging hand outs that can be shared with participants.
  • Discovering the Knowledge Management Ecosystem (video).
In particular, those working in:
Is this the course for you?
This course is for:
  • Airlines in PSS migration.
  • Subject Matter Experts who need to start delivering training on Amadeus products.
  • Experienced trainers wishing to refresh their skills.
Things you need for this course

Have successfully passed one of the courses below:

  • Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for New Users
  • Amadeus Altea Inventory Certification
  • Amadeus Altea DC-CM Certification
  • Amadeus Altea DC-FM Certification
How the course is organised
  • 3 days training.
  • During the course you will complete 2 hands-on practice activities and deliver 1 training session of 20-30 minutes.
  • You will receive constructive feedback on your delivery of the training session.
What equipment do you need?
What equipment do you need?
View our instructor-led requirements.
The last few details...
The last few details...
  • To schedule a customised session, please contact:
  • Last update: June 2024
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