Amadeus Security Management Advanced for Altéa Airlines
Amadeus Security Management Advanced for Altéa Airlines is a comprehensive course designed to provide airline security administrators with the skills and knowledge they need to manage security protocols effectively. With real-world scenarios, the course covers key areas such as security management, access rights administration, product activation, and industry best practices. This course empowers airlines security administrators to take proactive action and handle complex security tasks with confidence.
By the end of the course, participants will gain the expertise to independently manage Amadeus Security Management, ensuring seamless and secure operations.
On this course, you will learn:
- Assess real scenarios when a security administrator needs to take action.
- Identify mandatory security configurations required for airlines.
- Utilize massive tool and reporting dashboard.
- Manage security data.
- Manage users.
- Find permissions for product activation.
- Handle access rights allocation.
- Apply best practices for ground handling operations.
This course covers the following topics:
- User Managment
- Application Management
- Data Management
Is this the course for you?
This course is for:
In particular, those working in:
Administrators, Help Desk & Support Agents, Operations Managers, Security Administrators, Trainers
Things you need for this course
- Participants must be ASM for Altea Airlines certified.
This course helps you use
- Amadeus Security Management (ASM)
How the course is organised
3 Days training
The last few details...
- To schedule a customized session, please contact:
- Last update Dec 2024