Training catalogue
Courses for Ground Handlers
5 days
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Amadeus Altéa Ground Handler DC - Administration

This course explains how to use Amadeus Altéa Administration Plan Template Management and Amadeus Altéa Administration Business Rules. It includes familiarisation and set-up sessions with Amadeus ground handling implementation experts.

 In this course you will learn how to: 

  • Build a Departure Plan Template.
  • Identify and create Business Rules.
  • Benefit from setup and familiarisation sessions with Amadeus ground handling implementation experts.
What topics are covered?

This course covers the following topics:

Delivered by Airlines Learning Services:

  • Departure Plan Template.
  • Amadeus Business Rules (CM, FM, INV).

Delivered by Ground Handling Implementation:

  • New Adhoc Solution and Web Seatmap Designer Tool.
  • Device management.
  • Post-implementation processes using ACSP.
  • Data management responsibilities.
  • Ground Handling main concepts: Altéa architecture and administration, Logon and Security Server, business rules and DBM process.
  • Flight Life Cycle: Flight creation, ACV/Schedule management, troubleshooting, Operational Flight Updates and NGD messenger.
  • Specific day dedicated to your organization with an expert project manager of ground handling.
In particular, those working in:
Is this the course for you?
This course is for:
  • Ground handlers using Altéa Departure Control.
  • Administration staff responsible for creating Amadeus Departure Plan Template and Amadeus Business Rules within the ground handling partition.
Things you need for this course

Have successfully passed one of the courses below

  • Amadeus Altéa Ground Handler DC-CM Certification
  • Amadeus Altéa Ground Handler DC-FM Certification
This course helps you use
  • Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM)
  • Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
  • Altéa Administration
Complementary courses
How the course is organised
  • 1 day Departure Plan Template.
  • 1 day Business Rules.
  • 3 days familiarisation and setup.


What equipment do you need?
What equipment do you need?
View our instructor-led requirements.
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